Thursday, March 26, 2009

Batsu Game (Punishment Game)

I know that some of you like reality TV shows like Amazing Race, Survivor and Fear Factor right? All the pain, anger, depression and happiness of the participant playing the game are shown on TV. That’s American entertainment, so what about the Japan? If you experience any Japanese culture, you will see that Japanese like to see people in pain as an entertainment. Well I do not mean they are sadist and watch people suffer; what I mean is that the Japanese like to see people play pranks on other people especially painful one. For those who watch TV 8 years ago, you will probably remember a TV program from Japan called Istana Takeshi which is game show play by 100s of Japanese participant that involve painful and tiring gauntlet and the price for completing the challenge is quite high. This is because Japanese people are strong and very enduring kind of people and they never like to give up (most of them). There is one games I would like to share is called Downtown Gaki no Tsukai Batsu Game which mean Downtown “This is not a Job for Kids” Punishment Game. This is Japan popular TV comedy show that involves 5 men and these 5 men only. They are Matsumoto Hitoshi, Tanaka Naoki, Yamasaki Hosei, Endo Shozo and Masatoshi Hamada which is a host for many shows and a comedian. These 5 men will be divided into 2 groups through preliminary rounds which the victims and the hosts. The victim will spend 24 hours in an area like a hospital, police station or school. In the area contain a lot of comedian and funny prank that will cause the victims to laugh. However, the rule is that the victims are not allowed to laugh in any circumstances or else the will get a painful smack on their buttock and the host is there to spice things up. I find this show very funny and creative as what Japanese can think of as an interesting TV program.

For more info check on this website

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