Thursday, March 26, 2009


According to my understanding of juxtaposition, it define as an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, esp. for comparison or contrast. It is another one of the effective to solve problem, designing and or other creative pursuit besides mind mapping. Juxtaposition idea is to combine 2 different things and link them together with any similarity. For example, I give you 2 word which is Cat and Candy which is 2 different things but you can relate them as sweet, nice and cute.

For the mix and match, I got myself a lightning tree, light wood and water leaf

For the merge gone wrong

Finally, for the poem

Relate love with chili

You like to wear red, like a chili
You look hot ,like a chili
You thinking is sharp, like a chili
I love you everyday
like having chili every meal

Relate life with car

Life is unpredictable, like an accident waiting to happen
Life is fun, like the thrill of high speed
Life is beautiful, like a shinning exterior paint
Life is like a car

Relate pain with ice-cream

Ice-cream freeze your brain
Ice cream stings your tooth
Ice-cream hurt you stomach
Ice-cream give nothing more than pain

Relate love with card holder

A card holder, is like our love life
collecting card, is like collecting girlfriend
breaking up card, is like breaking up with our girlfriend
losing card, is like losing our girlfriend

Relate happiness with time

As time don't stop, joy won't halt
As clock hand move, fun always change
Happiness is like time
It don't last forever

Relate love with chick and kitten

Chick and kitten
Is like Chinese and Indian
No matter where we came from
Relationship still can become

Relate woman with dustbin

Woman always has bad odor
Woman always look weird
Woman always get themselves filthy
Woman is like a dustbin
But man is like rubbish
We need them.

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